
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Random early morning thoughts

I've been up mostly before 6am these past days primarily  because i changed my sleeping time. when before i would hit the sack at 1 or 2 am already, thus waking up at 8am, it has been a different routine for me now ever since i reminded myself that optimum rest is achived when sleeping between 10pm to 2am.

you see, i am a mom of a 1year and 8month old hyperactive and very clingy toddler. that said, most if not all of her time are spent with mama. stacking blocks with mama, putting on makeup/lipstick with mama, visitng lolo and lola with mama, playing/learning through the ipad with mama, even eating and drinking water should be done with mama. this leaves me with no time for myself other than; one, when she takes her nap in the afternoon which usually lasts for an hour or less; two, when i sneak out of the house for a deliberate ME time when i have really important things to attend to which requires immediate action; and three, when she retires her day at around 9:30pm.

i have no problem with my little girl waking up early because she is usually up at 8am, which gives me more time with my thoughts. here are some things brewing on my mind this morning:

1. the ingredients i need to buy for the weekend. it just hit me lately that since it has been my wish to learn how to bake, why not practice at the holy cross home on weekends. after all, they have the oven there and saturdays are usually my free days since the lola fills up in attending to sofia.

2. how to go about with the storage of my stocks. i am planning to put up a small business, and finally i was able to get a comittal from the owner of the space yesterday. said i could start anytime. now i still need to figure out how to store my delicate products. uugghhh!!!

3. to buy or not to buy additional units. if you have been monitoring business news, you know how stock prices have plunged in the past weeks. and yesterday, it closed at its lowest at the 5900 level. when the trend downwards started, experts say it is best to buy when PSEi reaches this level. but now im arguing with my thoughts if today's a good time, or wait til it goes a little down further. you know how greedy we can get sometimes. hehehe

4. buy a bag. my instagram feed is flooded by shoes and bags retailers, by choice of course! hahaha i was able to buy 2 shoes in a row, thus i am not inclined to buy another one, not anytime soon. as if! i, however, have been feasting lately on the beautiful bags they sell. but all came in a hefty price. thus the guilt and hesitation, because i dont think i deserve having an expensive bag this time. so the battle of the impulse and reasoning continues inside me.

i shall wait for my little girl to wake up in the next 30 minutes and tuesday shall officially begin. but the raindrops on the roof makes me want to cuddle with my pillows and curl up under the sheets again :)

have a great day friends!!!

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